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Saturday 18 July 2015



I haven't written in a very long time, final year of uni, working and etc I hardly really have time to sit down and write. However, I am in Brasil, it is 5.35 in the morning and I feel lightly inspired to write about this amazing trip.

It will be in different parts but even if I want to share everything that I am receiving - I cannot keep it to myself! As we only have wifi in the hotel and certain places because the one of the coach too many people are using and it stops working as well.

We - there is about 80 people from the UK that came to São Paulo, Brasil. We left England on Wednesday night (the day of my graduation) and arrived early Thursday morning.

For me it was a good flight - 12hours, I slept most of it. To the point I didn't even know we had turbulence twice! (Lol!) Trust me to sleep through anything!

Before I talk about Brasil, I would like to speak to you about my final year of university, the preparation for my graduation and the preparation for this amazing trip!

Hope you can get something from the lessons I've been learning thoroughout these past few months. 

A post is coming soon...

Love and hugs!



Saturday 16 August 2014

Do I even have 10 Qualities?

What's popping chicken and non-chicken eaters?!

I knowwwwww I haven't posted the last in the previous serious - but I will do sometime next week as I thought this was more important and I wanted to post this instead....

 So.... At my church we are doing a series of events called "somebody believed in me so why should I not believe in you?" The event started last week and every week on Sunday at 10am and each week we are learning something new to take action towards believing in ourselves.

Now last week I came to the event thinking this is for the new people, let me just make sure that I bring at least one person. So I set off inviting my colleagues at work and in the end I had three confirmed and I was happy!

 However none of them came (for various reasons which I found out on Monday) but what happened was the one person that needed it the most - me - got the message.

 Imagine here I am thinking I believe in myself - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me but I couldn't do the homework which was given to us by the pastor. He gave us a piece of paper with ten lines and we had to write 10 qualities that we currently possess.

And do you know what? I couldn't find ANY qualities in myself. I mean for dayssssss I was thinking and I didn't see any good qualities in myself.

 Now let's pause and see what's going on here.... Here I am claiming to believe in myself but I cannot find at lease ONE quality I hold?

 No way - there is a problem here. I mean I was stuck - only negative qualities came up. Let me be real over the past year and a half I have been on a very rocky path (hence my blog's inconsistency) and I had no idea how much it effected me until this week.

But on Thursday it was as if God gave me an electric shock type push and I sat down and I really thought about the qualities I possess. And in the end I came up with waaaay more than 10 (obviously I could not write it down on the paper - I was told put down 10 - better to obedient).

 So I am going to list these 10 qualities I hold and starting Monday I will give ten days where I will be explaining why these are the 10 qualities I hold.

 Here is my list (here's a challenge for you - why not write down a list of 10 of you qualities? You might not go to the church or anything like that but in something so small I saw how negative I was being towards myself....maybe you are doing this as well)

1. I am creative
2. I am hard working
3. I am trustworthy
4. I am quick at picking up things - fast learner
5. I am confident
6. I am BOLD
7. I am organised
8. I am generous
9. I pay attention to detail
10. I am ambitious

If you want you share your list with me you can...

If you want to take part in the "someone believed in me" series come along either to 176 Rye Lane, Peckham SE15 4NFr visit uckg.org for the address of your local branch!

I believe that I can change because God believed in me and so did so many people from the Universal Church and I know without their help I would not be here today.

Love and hugs!

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Just a video to say...

So I turned 22 yesterday and it was a bit of an emotional day...I haven't written on this blog since the 26th March last year. Since a couple of weeks after my 21st birthday. And boy after that did battles come.

Here is to name a few:

  •  Got injured in Cheer; had to quit cheerleading as well 
  • Left Kent University
  • Started working for a TV Production company
  • Started off working towards my own business
  • Went through trials
  • Saw who were my real friends - dropped the fake ones
  • Other personal things happened
  • Received my Title as a "Lady" (yes, I am Lady Tillyah for real!)
  • Reconnected with old friends
  • Started attending Royal Holloway
  • Started off my own radio show
  • Met new people
  • Most importantly got closer to God
That is only a few but I think if I was to name them all....we would be here all day!

So as I embark on being 22... I am going to try harder to write more, video and edit more...Greater things are yet to come because my journey isn't over until I am in the clouds with Him.

Thank you Jesus for allowing me to see 22 and everyone...watch this space!

May God abundantly bless you all.

Love and Hugs,

Wednesday 29 August 2012

I am my own lion tamer

I love this!!! I had to share with you all because this is a battle that we Christians have to face EVERY single day without a doubt - Overcoming ourselves!

I am my own lion tamer

Tuesday 2 August 2011

The perception of Beauty...

What is the first thing you think about when you hear the word BEAUTY?! I know what I think of…the media’s version of a beautiful woman; tall skinny (skin and bones), (white) with bleach blonde hair or with extremely big boobs, extremely round and massive bottom, slim waist with flat stomach (black) with hair dats all straight and nice and real.

You might think that I’m being DRAMATIC about this but its true. As a size 18 girl who doesn’t have the above features, I feel constantly accused of being ugly because of the way that women are perceived in the media. Shouldn’t beauty be about who you are inside? Lord knows I’m not ugly but still it seems its not enough; I need to be the size 14 desirable woman that is shown on magazine covers/TV screens and showing off various parts of my body while I am at it.

ROFL…sorry but I had to laugh at that! I love the way I am and I don’t feel inferior to those girls because most of them have to get photoshoped to look to perfection, where as I am the perfect me I don’t have to pretend to be. I get spots, I probably dribble when I sleep, I am extraordinarily perfectly imperfect and that’s the way I will forever stay.

I refuse to feel adequate to the fake/plastic perception of the media’s “beauty”. Being half naked on TV is appealing to the immoral; I am not immoral. I know that I am 100% real and looking at the surgically nipped and tucked; I feel no way. Plastic is in but it seems that I am out because I am real and not fake but I would rather stick out like a sore thumb than conform to society’s norm.

The norm these days is to show off as much of your body as possible but girls please tell me what is that going to achieve from you? That guy that you’ve had your eye one for sooo long? Because he would be your guy for a year? Right? You two together..a couple of arguments here and there? Yes, because they ok. You convince yourself its healthy to fight everyday right?

What happened to doing something for yourself to make yourself happy? A guys isn’t going to love or look after you if you do not do it for yourself. You do know that right? (I think I’ve over used the word right but still….you’re WRONG you’re setting yourself up for failure; don’t you want your relationships to work?)

And guys…respecting a girl to not have her try to be like Beyonce or Rihanna because you need to get it through your head she will never be like them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yes, but if your perception of beauty is degrading others then I’m sorry but this needs to change.

Beauty for me is the inside because when you know someone properly you get to see their true beauty. As the outward beauty fades away until it goes that beauty within stays forever.

If you rely on your looks you will die with your beauty when it goes; focus on yourself on your inside and seek to change it. This is for both guys and girls; being beautiful on the inside shows on the outside. Plant good fruits and you shall reap them in the end.

Ask God to help you with this, at the UCKG helpcenter; I learnt that beauty is not skin deep but its inside you. Beauty comes from within and it was God who put it there. Embrace the woman/man God made you.

More info needed? www.uckg.org or call: 02076866000.

Constantly praying for you, God bless